Let's check them out...
First, let's meet Betsy. Today is a pretty special day for Betsy. It is her birthday! Betsy thinks that she is just going to spend the day with one of her friends and then hang out for a bit with the rest of the group at their local haunt, Banana Rama. However, her friends have planned a birthday party for her. Looks like Betsy is in for quite the surprise. Literally!
This is Bubbles. Bubbles happens to be Betsy's best friend and she is responsible for getting Betsy to the party on time. She has a full day of activities planned to keep Betsy occupied. First up, Bubbles is taking Betsy over to the Funky Monkey Grooming Salon for some grooming and pampering. After that, they are headed to the theatre to see a matinée of the new, recently released Dawn of the Planet of the Apes movie. Apparently both Betsy and Bubbles have a crush on Caesar and have been anxiously waiting to see him is this latest sequel. The final stop before the surprise party will be a quick shopping trip to their favourite clothing store Banana Republic, so that Bubbles can buy an nice new dress for Betsy to wear that evening. Bubbles usually buys Betsy a gift each year so it shouldn't raise Betsy's suspicions that anything is up other than meeting the gang for dinner.
How many restaurants do you know of, that have live banana trees growing inside for their patrons? Well, I know of only one. It is called Banana Rama and it is THE spot for all the local chimps, apes, orangutans and other hip primates in the area. Banana Rama has a special room that can be reserved for small parties and this is where the remaining members of the group are currently waiting. It is time to meet them.
This is Louie. Louie is the one in charge of getting everything set up over at Banana Rama. He has been friends with Bubbles and Betsy for years and always has a good time when he hangs out with them. However, lately he has been itching to spend a little bit more time specifically with Betsy. You see, he has a bit of a crush on her and plans on asking her out at the end of the party. We'll just have to keep our eyes on those two and see if anything develops between them. For right now though, he still has a bit of setting up to do, so we'll let him get on with it.
Finally, it is time to meet Clyde. Clyde is psyched that the party is at Banana Rama since it happens to be his favourite restaurant. It has an all-you-can-eat buffet and as you can see, he is already indulging. Clyde is one of those primates who just loves to hang out and have fun. Hopefully, he won't get into too much trouble tonight.
Since Louie is responsible for organizing the party he is also in charge of the menu and currently he is sampling one of the wonderful chocolate-chip banana cupcakes that are a speciality of Banana Rama. It is important for him to make sure that the food is of the highest quality to ensure that everyone has a wonderful experience. It is almost time for Bubbles to bring Betsy in, so Louie needs to finish everything up quickly to prepare for their arrival.
Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle! It looks like the surprise came off without a hitch. Betsy was thrilled that all of her friends thought so highly of her to plan something so special. It will definitely be a day and night she never forgets. Louie caught a really great picture of her blowing out the candles on her birthday cake.
After several hours of monkeying around, the party is finally wrapping up. Of course Clyde couldn't help himself to one last treat atop the banana tree. The evening turned out fabulous and everyone had a great time. It will be fun to see what these guys have planned for us next!
The following day...
Oooh, it looks like Louie finally got up the nerve to ask Betsy out. Just look at the two of them enjoying that banana split milkshake. One desert, two straws...the start of a budding love. I can't wait to see how this relationship develops! I can just see it...a sweet courtship followed by a circus themed wedding, and little baby monkeys down the road...ahhhhhhh...yes, I tend to be bit of a romantic. Whether these events take place or not, I wish Louie and Betsy all the best.Each of the above images would be great for so many different types of occasions. You are only limited by your imagination. Heather has also created a collection of phrases to pair up with these precious new images...
Well, that is it for this one. I hope that you all have a great weekend ahead!
Until next time,

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