Brew up come fresh creativity!
Stop by the Shop to check out our digis and stamps!

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Welcome to the Freshly Brewed Challenges Blog!

Here you will find challenges, inspiration, encouragement, and a whole lot of fresh brewed fun!


August 29, 2014


Happy Friday!
I am back to share some GLITTERIFIC cards 
that Marji created for our August #2 Challenge: GLITTER GALORE!

*Prepare yourself for some sparkly awesomeness!*

Check out Marji's blog: Tiggerscraps to see more of her 
fabulous creations. 

I know you are itching to get out your sparkly goodies! 
Don't wait!
There isn't much time to enter to play along 

Can't wait to see what you create!

August 28, 2014

Dropping By With a Happy Hi

Not only did I want to shout out a happy "HI," but I also wanted to remind you of two things going on at Fresh Brewed Designs. First up is the rubber stamp sale - they're 25% off now till September 5th. I used the smaller size rubber stamp Caution Contents are Hot and sentiment found HERE. This card also serves to remind you of our Glitter Galore challenge currently going on. Not only did I glitter up her dress with Stickles, but the brads are also glittery. Find all the details along with the link for posting your projects HERE. One winner of this challenge will receive a guest designer spot for the month of October while the other winner will receive 3 digital images of their choice free!! We'd love to see what you create using glitter, but hurry, this challenge will end September 2nd. 

August 27, 2014

August Challenge #2 Reminder - DT Feature

Good Morning!
I hope you are all having a wonderful week so far.

We are in our second week of school.
The weather is unseasonably cool in the mornings. 
It feels like Fall is coming.
While I am NOT ready for summer to be over, I just LOVE Fall!

Enough babbling, I am here to remind you about our
You have just one more week to play along!

Here are a few DT Feature cards to get your mojo brewing:

Necking Giraffes Digital Stamps

Flower Planter Digital Stamp

Have a very happy and blessed day!
(Don't forget to check out my blog for blog candy) 


August 20, 2014

August Challenge 2: GLITTER GALORE

Good Morning!
It is time for another FRESHLY BREWED CHALLENGE!
I have had such a wonderful week!
My little boy turned 10, my little girl asked Jesus into her heart this past Sunday
and my husband is off work for the rest of the week. I LOVE THE LORD! 

chosen by


Get out those glitters, paints, sprays, and all things that
shimmer or shine and play along! 
We can't wait to see what you create! 

We will be awarding one lucky winner a guest designer spot for the month of
October as well as a winner of 3 Digital Stamps per challenge

  • 1)  This challenge ends Tuesday,September 2nd
  • 2)  You can enter up to 5 times with your NEW creations.  (no back linking please)
  • 3) If you use an FBD image, please add FBD to the end of your name
  • 4) HAVE FUN!!!

(Find out how you can Win Blog Candy at my personal blog by clicking >>HERE<<)

August 14, 2014

Happy Halloween

How crazy does that sound?!!! Especially with it still being least for a little while longer. I wanted to remind you of our Buttons challenge going on HERE. My card uses one teeny tiny button on my bow!!! And the image is a rubber stamp (yes, I said a rubber stamp!!!) called Candy Corn Girl. How fun is she?!!! I simply love the spider clip in her hair! And that's saying a lot from a girl who absolutely HATES spiders!!! Hope you can join us for our buttons challenge here at the Fresh Brewed Blog.

August 13, 2014

BUTTONS!!! (DT Feature - Challenge Reminder)

Happy Wednesday!
School and dance start up next week.
This summer has totally just came and gone in the blink of an eye. sigh.
At least we have each other, right?

Enough of my sighing and on to our

This challenge is all about buttons!
Paper buttons, designer paper buttons, plastic buttons, 
buttons on your image.. the options are endless!

Lets see what our lovely dt members have prepared 
for our viewing pleasure this week"

Marisol - Mermaid

Fairy Sweet Digital Stamp

Marji @ Tiggerscraps
Banana Tree and Louie Monkey Digital Stamps

You have until August 19th to enter. 

>> click here << to be taken to the link up

Have a happy and blessed day, 

August 11, 2014

August Digi Release Winner

Congratulations  Susan @ The Stampin' Kat, 
you are our NEW DIGI RELEASE comment winner. 
Please drop me an email at 
{ freshbreweddesigns ((AT)) yahoo ((DOT)) com
so I can get your digi of choice to you!

August 9, 2014


OK, so I don't draw many male images... but when I
was sketching up my new mermaid digis, I decided they 
HAD to be made. I drew my not so skinny guy, Merlin, 
and then his companion, Myrtle. Then I decided to make a more
'handsome' merman. I always have a harder time drawing men, but
was happy with the way he came together. 

Marinus Digital Stamp - Fresh Brewed Designs

This digital stamp, Marinus, was colored with Copic and prismacolor makers 
then painted over with creative inspirations paint: fairy dust.

I do think this project would have looked better as a tag, 
but I ran out of time. :(

Thank you for stopping by!
Please check out our digital stamp relase post HERE 
for your chance at winning a digi from the release. 
You have until 11:59 PM TONIGHT, August 9,  to play along. 

Have a very blessed day!

I do believe in ... buttons!

Good Morning! 
Today is the LAST DAY to check out our NEW DIGI 
Stop by THIS POST to find out more! 

Wednesday was the start of our NEW 
August Challenge. 
We want to see your BUTTONS!

DESIRE @ Doing Life was having blog issues, therefore I missed
sharing her card until the next day.
I didn't want you to miss it, so here it is in all it's beauty:

created another fairy creation by altering my 
I cut out and added the vellum wings, and voila!

You can enter our BUTTON challenge by clicking >>HERE<<

Have a happy and blessed day!

August 8, 2014

August New Releases: We Have Quite a 'Tail' to Tell!

In case you missed it, Monday, August 4th, saw the release of a whole new line of images. If you haven't seen them yet, you are in for quite the 'tail'!

Once upon a a land far, far away (at least for those of us living in North America anyway)...
There lived a small pod of merfolk in the Red Sea off the coast of Asia. You see, it has been said that the Red Sea, happens to have the warmest waters of all Earth's oceans so it is the perfect location for merfolk to live.

This story was passed on to me through an inquisitive sailor who once came across this pod of mystical creatures.  He had been lost at sea for over a week so no one believed his tall tale.  One of the merfolk that rescued him had just recently had an anniversary and so to pass the time as they helped guide the sailor to dry land, he told the sailor about his beautiful wife and family.  When the sailor was found, nary a person believed him.  Even though this merman had shared pictures of his family with the sailor, the mainland population all figured that he had just hallucinated the event and doctored up some pictures because of course, it is widely believed that mermaids and mermen do not exist.  However, I personally do believe in the magical unseen worlds that co-exist with us humans and I'd like to share this story with all of you. 

In the community of Havenpond, resides a pod of merfolk.  The leader of Havenpond happens to be the wonderfully joyful Merlin Tailby.   Merlin has been a resident of this small community since he was no bigger than a tadpole.  He grew up in Havenpond, found his great love there and raised his children there as well.  He is very proud of this community and is a natural born leader.  Today I am going to focus on the story of how he met his now wife Myrtle and introduce you to the family that they have raised together.  Now remember, I did hear this second hand from a man who had been lost at sea, so some of the details may be a bit fuzzy.

This story begins with with a young merman in his early twenties.  After graduating from the University of Gillcrest in the nearby community of Coral Cove, Merlin Tailby came back home to put his degree in Marine Biology to work.  When Merlin and some of the other graduates that year came back home, there was a party in the local community centre called Trident Hall to honour the group of graduates and their accomplishments.  Now as Merlin has always been a bit shy with the mermaids, he didn't have a date.  In fact, Merlin isn't alone in that trait.  It is a well known fact among the merfolk that men are much shyer than their female counterparts.  However, Merlin's brother Fineas, seemed to be fairing better with his shyness as he had shown up with a very beautiful mermaid named Myrtle.  Now shy or not, Merlin just couldn't keep his eyes off of Myrtle that evening.  Thankfully, Fineas and Myrtle were just friends because as it turns out, Myrtle was rather drawn to Merlin as well.  Once Merlin finally got up the nerve to approach her, they spent the remainder of that night in each other's company and every day after that for the next six months.  It was at that time that Merlin decided to propose to Myrtle and I am pleased to say that they have been happily married now for over 25 years.   They have been through thick and fin, oops I mean thin, but their love for each other has always stayed constant.  Recently they had portraits done for each other to commemorate their anniversary (Merlin very generously shared copies of these images plus more with the sailor, who of course passed them on to me).

Merlin and Myrtle went on to have four beautiful daughters.  Two of them are rather outgoing and the other two are a bit shy and don't really like to have their pictures taken so we'll just have to do with the images that we were provided with.

The baby of the family is Marisol.  She is a lovely young girl about the age of 16.  She is definitely a little shy among strangers but like all youngest children, she is still babied by her parents and older siblings and will continue to be for the remainder of all time.   Marisol is rather charming when she wants to be and is well liked by her close circle of friends.  She is also very artistic and has an affinity for making jewellery.  Since baubles and accessories are prized items in the mermaid culture she will have a strong career ahead of her.  Once she graduates high school she is headed to the Laguna College of Art and Design.  She still has a year to go but she can't wait.

Oceane is the second youngest and is 18.  She is extremely confident and very social.  She tends to be the focus of any and all social situations.  Oceane's passion lies in hair and makeup and she is currently in her second year of cosmetology school.  She is attending Aphrodite Academy located in Conch Falls.  As this community is a few hours swim from home, she remains in the dormitory during the week and comes home on the weekends.  It is a good thing that she is a natural at the trade because when she is home, she is out swimming and hanging out with all of her friends.  Although she does make sure to spend a bit of time each of the days she is home with her family as well. 

Then there is Memory.  Memory is also pretty shy.  At the age of twenty, she has decided that looking after the youngest members in the community is where her true passion lies.  Therefore, she is currently working in the local hatchery tending to all the baby fish, crustaceans and other sea creatures that have recently been born.  She is also a bit of a day dreamer and spends long hours just sitting and staring out to sea.  She is avidly interested in the worlds beyond her own.  Thus, when her father told her the story of how he met up with the lost sailor, she listened intently to his words.  These days, she spends time looking for her own sailor to rescue.  Yes, she is definitely the dreamer of the family.

Finally, that brings us to Drema who is the oldest child at the age of 22.  Like all her sisters she is very beautiful.  She tends to be a bit of a perfectionist and is definitely a high achiever.  She is currently enrolled in Gillcrest and she plans on following in her father's footsteps by becoming a Marine Biologist as well.  She plans on staying in Havenpond.  Also like her father, being a contributing member to her community is very important to her.  In fact, she will be graduating in just a couple of weeks and as tradition dictates, will be honoured in a party at Trident Hall, just like her father was.  But you see, there is a secret that Drema has been keeping.  In her heart there is someone that she has been attracted to for some time now but has been too shy to meet him.  He will be attending the Trident Hall event and she is hoping that she'll finally get up enough nerve to approach him.
So, there you go. Four beautiful daughters and a lovely wife.  Merlin has a wonderful family indeed and he is very proud of each and every one of them.  He is always bragging about them to anyone who will listen so it is fortuitous that he was the one to find the sailor as it gave him one more opportunity to talk about his amazing family.

But our story doesn't stop there.  For you see there is another shy merman in this community who will also be graduating and honoured during the same graduating class as Drema.  His name is Marinus and he is rumoured to be a decendent of the Greek god Triton himself and thus there is no stronger lineage that he could have.  He will graduating with a combined degree in Marine Biology and Business and plans to be actively involved in the politics around town.  In fact, he has been apprenticing with Merlin for the last year and Merlin has become rather fond of him.   Marinus also has a secret.  He has been very taken with Drema for the past little while.  Of course he thinks it is a secret but anyone who sees him looking at Drema, knows instantly how he is feeling (which is why Merlin was able to include this in his discussion with the sailor).
Will the fates shine upon Marinus during the upcoming graduation party?  Will he finally get up the courage to ask Drema out?  Considering Drema's secret crush is on Marinus, the odds are good that these two are meant for each other.  Will their path together begin that night at the party, just like her parents did so long ago?  Well, we'll just have to wait and see, won't we!

It is up to you whether or not you believe this tail, oops I mean tale.  We are surrounded by an incredible world filled with beauty and mysticism and there are many areas yet to be discovered.  Who's to say that there aren't magical realms out there as well.  I believe in the possibilities, do you?

Let your imagination take you away to a new and interesting world.  Each of the images in this new collection would be suitable for a variety of occasions.  As always, you are only limited by your creative thinking.

Be sure to go and check all of the new merfolk related images available in the Fresh Brewed Designs store.  You can find them all in the Mermaids and Fairies section.  Clicking HERE will take you to that section.   Or, you can click on any one of the individual images to go directly to their spot in the store.
I'll leave you today with this final word:  Maluhia.  Among its definition are the words peace and serenity.  May your days always be filled with peace in your heart and serenity in your soul.

Maluhia everyone!

Until next time,

Shimmery Mermaids - August Digi Release

Our Digi Release for August is all about mermaids!
We have all had so much fun creating with these digis.
If you haven't seen the DT's AMAZING work yet -
you will have to stop by and check out 
You also have a chance to WIN a Digi from the release 
just by commenting!

Now on to some 

used our new digital stamp:
for her Fin-tastic creation

Her image was colored using Spectrum Noir markers. 

Look at all of that GORGEOUS shimmer!

Next up is my own creation 
I used the new digital stamp:
my image was colored using copic markers and prismacolor markers

 Lots of shine:  gloss, shimmer paint, glass micro beads, rhinestones
and glitter were used on this image. 

Thank you for stopping by today!
I do hope you will check out all of the posts linked above as well
as join the fun and comment on post day 1 for your chance to win a digi from the release. 

Come back later today for a fun write up about the new images from Lisa.

Have a very blessed day,

August 7, 2014

August New Digi Release: Mermaids - DT Feature

Happy Thursday!
I am so happy to be here sharing these awesome cards with you today.
When I first woke up I was sooo out of it. 
I had NO IDEA what today even was! :/
My husband is in training classes and not working his normal schedule, 
so everything seems just off this week. 

Did you get to check out our NEW DIGI RELEASE yet?
If not, be sure to hop on over to our Day 1 and Day 2 posts
to see the gorgeous creations from our DT.
If you check out the Day 1 post you will find a link to 
a designers blog who is giving away a FBD Rubber Stamp 
AND if you comment, you have a chance to win a free digi from the release! 

Now it's time to see some

Isn't she just gorgeous?
I love the hot pink hair and that Linda stepped out of her comfort zone
and tried a little distressing! Beautiful!
And check out that ADORABLE paper!
I can't help but start singing 'Under the Sea' from the Little Mermaid
when looking at this. And so fitting since Linda is living it up right now at Disney.
Sigh. ;)

Oh Merlin! You silly merman! You make me smile.
Love the way Lori shaded this image and the fun sentiment
she paired with it. Merlin looks as handsome as ever ;) 
Much like most of our hubbys, right ladies? 
Beautiful bright colors and such a happy little card! LOVE!

Thank you for stopping by today.
I hope you all have a super fabulous and blessed day!

August 6, 2014

August Challenge #1: BUTTONS

Happy Wednesday!
I hope you are ready for another fun, inspiration filled
challenge here at Freshly Brewed Challenges!

This challenge is all about 

Check out our awesome DT Creations:

So, GET CREATIVE!! Get out those button papers, diecuts, or real buttons and
play along! We can't wait to see what you create! 

We will be awarding one lucky winner a guest designer spot for the month of
October as well as a winner of 3 Digital Stamps

  • 1)  This challenge ends Tuesday, August 19th
  • 2)  You can enter up to 5 times with your NEW creations.  (no back linking please)
  • 3) If you use an FBD image, please add FBD to the end of your name
  • 4) HAVE FUN!!!

No codes required! Happy shopping!!! 

**Don't forget to check out our NEW DIGI RELEASE for AUGUST - one lucky person will win a free digi,         and one a FBD RUBBER STAMP

July Winners

Here are our FBD Entries for July:

33. Susan Renshaw FBD  

21. Michele - FBD :) 

50. Suze FBD  

Our July BLOG CANDY Winner is

Suze and Susan, please stop by the shop and choose 
a free digi as a THANK YOU for playing along!

Our randomly drawn 3 digi winner for July 
Challenge #2 is: 

Thank you all for playing along. 
Please email me at freshbreweddesigns (AT) yahoo (DOT) com to claim your prize


                                                                                  <3 Heather

August 5, 2014

August Digi Release: Day #2

If you came by yesterday, you must still be in awe of the
gorgeous cards we had featured for our new digi release. 
I know I am!
It's ok. Take a deep breath. 
You need to get prepared for just a little bit MORE awesomeness!

*What? You missed it? Oh goodness!
You MUST stop by and check them out. After you check out these
projects, scroll back up and click >>HERE<< to see all the release day #1 creations!*

Our lovely guest, Jeanne, is back with 
yet another absolutely stunning creation. 
Today she used the digital stamp:

Next up are a few FBD DT features:

*Oceane Digital Stamp

* Marinus Digital Stamp

I hope you are having waves of fun with us at this release!

See you tomorrow with a new challenge for August. 

Sending smiles, 

August 4, 2014

August Digi Release: MERMAIDS

Good Morning!
Can you believe it is time for another fun digi release
here at 
I am the owner, and I still can't believe it :)
This summer has flown by, so I decided to create several new mermaid digital stamps
to hopefully capture one last glimpse of the magic it brings.

We have lot's of fun things to share with you, so hold on to your seats!
It's going to be WAVES OF FUN!

Lets get on with the fun and check out the beautiful creations. 
We are lucky to have two guest designers here with us this month!


(Oceane Digital Stamp)
*FBD Rubber Stamp giveaway on her blog*

(Myrtle Digital Stamp)


(Memory Digital Stamp)

(Oceane Digital Stamp)

(Merlin, Memory, and Myrtle Digital Stamps) 

(MARISOL Digital Stamp)

(MALUHIA Digital Stamp) 

(Oceane Digital Stamp)

(Drema Digital Stamp)

(Oceane and Marinus Digital Stamps)

(Myrtle Digital Stamp)

(Memory Digital Stamp)

(Maluhia Digital Stamp)

(Merlin and Myrtle Digital Stamps)

(Marinus and Oceane Digital Stamps)
(Surfing Starfish Digital Stamp) 

(Oceane Digital Stamp)
(*with older*Marina with Pearl Digital Stamp)

Thank you SO much for stopping by today! 
I hope you enjoyed seeing all of the new digis and
I know that you are still drooling over these beautiful DT Creations.

 Stop by the shop to order some of these digital stamps 
and keep summer going as long as possible! 

Be sure to click on the NAMES above the cards, stop by the DT and Guests
 blogs and leave them some love!
You never know, I might have a surprise waiting for someone who visits them all!

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT here telling us your favorite digi from the
relase and let the girls know how much they are appreciated!

Have a very happy and blessed day!

                                             Heather and the FABULOUS FBD DT


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